• info@aatmanacademy.org
  • 98696 87073
Aatman Academy's Diversity Inclusion Program

Our Mission: To set the tone for Diversity and Inclusion through early years intervention and support for all stakeholders in the process of inclusive education.

Ask not "How is the economy growing?"
but rather
“How are the children growing?”

-Citizens Initiative for
the Rights of Children under Six
(CIRCUS) (2005)
What is the AADI program?

What is the AADI program?

AADI is an acronym for Aatman Academy’s Diversity Inclusion Program, which aims to serve the needs of early years learners with special needs and equip them to be “inclusion ready”

The focus and schedule of AADI program

The primary focus of the AADI program is individualized, flexible pace learning through small group instructions.

The key focus is on flexibility and dynamic learning. It consists of a series of small group intervention activities that pan out for 2.5 hours each day.

Parents can choose between the following options :

These 2.5 hour will consist of customized inputs and interventions depending on the child’s needs. However, the focus will be on socialization and community connect.

Need for the AADI

Need for the AADI

Who is the AADI Program for?

  • Children between the age of 3 - 8 years who

    • are diagnosed with special needs
    • are showing visible signs of having challenges
    • maybe at risk of any disability

  • School going children between the age of 3 - 8 years who need support to supplement their learning journey in mainstream classrooms.

  • Out of school learners between the age of 3 - 8 years who have had no exposure to school programs.

What makes AADI Program unique?

What makes AADI Program unique?

With the NEP 2020, schools are taking big strides towards Inclusive Education. However, a key factor needs due consideration – preparing a child and parent for an inclusive setup. The AADI program aims to equip the child to navigate through the rigor of an inclusive classroom.

This program also aims to empower the parents to be advocates of their child’s special needs and pave the path for Inclusive Education in their child’s school. 

The program will enable the parents to handle/address their child’s specific learning needs in an inclusive classroom.


To offer a holistic learning program to transition into an Inclusive education classroom.

To identify inclusion based challenges of children with varied disabilities

To bridge the gap between one on one therapy and classroom learning.

To educate and support parents in their needs as primary caregivers of children with special needs and help transition into inclusive education.

To offer simulated setting for children with special needs in order to prepare them for inclusive classes.

To supplement the children with special needs in order to equip them for a smooth journey into inclusive settings.

To create awareness within the community regarding the need for early recognition and intervention for children with special needs.

To support schools in transitioning children with special needs from AADI program to mainstream class and guide them for the way forward.

The AADI Team​

The team consists of experienced and qualified professionals from the field of

Special Education

Occupational Therapy

Arts Based Therapy

Dance Movement Therapy

Animal Assisted Therapy

Music Therapy

Socio-Emotional Learning

Early years program