Applications are required to fill....(2024-25) through the Aatman Academy website here.
Applications will be accepted through the online format only. Please use a Gmail account to fill the form.
The Application form is now available here.
Please ensure that you have thoroughly completed the application form and attached clear copies of the required documents.
Not all applicants will be eligible for the TATA TRUSTS grant. This is a partial grant and applicants will be required to pay a part of the fee as decided by the TATA TRUSTS.
Only those from low income groups (family income up to Rs.8 Lakhs p.a.) will be considered for the grant. The TATA TRUSTS reserves the rights to the selection of these applicants.
Applicants eligible for the TATA TRUSTS grant will receive an e-mail for further procedures regarding the same.
All travel expenses and material costs will be borne by the participants.
The total cost of the program is ₹35,000/-.
The entire course fee must be paid before the commencement of the course.
Once paid, the fee will not be refunded if the applicant is unable to attend the course. However, it can be carried forward to the next year or transferred to another interested participant in the same year.