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Kids say Aatman…aahaa!

Kids say Aatman…aahaa!

We have no bells at Aatman!

Music on the PA system indicates the transition from one session to another.

The Brain break unique only to Aatman:

5 minutes of music, of children’s choice, each day, when absolutely everyone can shake a leg and just go crazy…..even visitors!

We decide what we want to learn and how we want to learn it.

That’s why we LEARN joyfully! Explorations and inquiry form the mainstay of learning at Aatman Academy.

There are no teachers at Aatman! Only our wonderful LFs!

Learning is the most important activity at Aatman therefore those who support that activity are the Learning Facilitators.

We’ve raised 5 beautiful caterpillar cocoons and seen the birth of 5 stunning butterflies!

Among a host of other learnings that come with it, the butterfly harvesting project is the most effective and sure of way for kids to understand and experience what it means “to be patient”.
Aryaswa &Jash with a caterpillar

At Aatman, I am enjoying discovering myself.

I’m happy to be the best version of me! Aatman celebrates uniqueness and diversities. No one’s special and no one’s different because no one is ever compared with anyone!

I am loved, respected, cared for who I am with my “Diversabilities”!

Everyone belongs! Everyone’s included in everything that happens on campus. And every child is missed when not around.

Aatman is about pace learning and not race learning!

That’s what makes Aatman a customized learning and specialized instruction school.

I’m never forced to “become”…
I can just “be”!

I feel safe; physically, emotionally and socially.

We really don’t like holidays-

be it weekends, short breaks or long vacations! Kids crib when there are holidays and complain if those are long ones…every single year!

We can’t wait to complete STD IX, because that’s when we get to be part of STInt!

STInt or Skills (Social) Training Internship is the cynosure of the Aatman Learning programme wherein students transitioning from Std IX to Std X experience a real life “workplace” situation in an enterprise of their own choice- Gyms, Bakeries, Vet Clinics, Physio Therapy Centres, Garages, Boutiques….and many many more!

Our very own in-house Therapy Dog:

Rio brightens up the day with his antics and merely his presence! Learning is a whole lot fun with Rio in class!