• info@aatmanacademy.org
  • 98696 87073
Aatman Academy's Vocational Activity
Our Mission: Growth and progress of human potential

Aatman Academy’s Vocational Activity focuses on developing specific skills to create employment opportunities for young adults (18 to 24 years) with Autism & Intellectual Disabilities in Retail, Hospitality and IT sectors.

About the Program

About the Program

The Program provides standardized content and certification in

Student Criteria:

  • Disability - Autism & Intellectual Disabilities
  • Educational level – Xth, XIIth or equivalent for RASCI examination
  • Age between 18 - 24
  • Must be independently mobile (physical mobility)
  • Should be able to speak a few sentences at a time or have alternate means of communication
  • Should not display any alarming behavior

Other Criteria:

  • Admission on baseline entrance test and VAPS
  • All content available on Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Content is available in English with voice overs in English, Tamil & Marathi
  • Course duration- 1 year for each sector (Retail or Hospitality)
  • Teacher Led Model

The AAVA programme is in partnership with Sol’s Arc, Mumbai. Sol’s Arc is an organization that develops inclusive learning content & methodology.