Aatman’s Curricular model is dynamic and continually customized to support the learning needs of each child. All the learning that takes place within the curriculum framework of Aatman Academy is based on hands-on and experiential work. The IBL-UDL Approach forms the basis of class transactions till Grade VIII. Children decide what they want to learn, why they want to learn it and how they’d like to navigate through their learning!
the curriculum exposes the learners to wide variety of topics and experiences
These include:
- Languages: Marathi, Hindi and English
- Math
- Themes
- Social Sciences
- Science and Technology
- Heath Hygiene Physiology and Home Science
- Cookery
- Milk and Milk Products
- Computer Applications
- Music
- Dance
- Drama
- Visual Arts: Drawing/Sketching/Painting
- Yoga
- Dance Movement Therapy
- Arts Based Therapy
- Drum Therapy
- Animal Assisted Intervention
- Sports and Fitness
- Indoor Games and Activities
- Life Skills &Socio Emotional Learning (SEL)
- Thinking Skills
- Library Skills
- One on One learning study skills
- Meditation
- Butterfly Gardening
- Wall painting
- Carpentry
- Sewing and Embroidery
- Vegetable Gardening
- The Interact Club
- Pre-Vocational Skills
- STint -Skills /Social Training Internships