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A course specially for in-service educators, practicing counsellors, graduate students or members of the community supporting children’s educational needs

A Course designed by the Aatman Academy for Research and Training
Developed and implemented under the guidance of the


More than ever before, schools of today are required to handle a broad spectrum of diversities among learners within the classroom . These could be in the form of learning disabilities or emotional and behavioral challenges or any other special needs. The Right to Education Act (in India) and the NEP 2020, has mandated schools to become equipped to handle all such diversities. However, the paucity of trained INCLUSIVE EDUCATION PRACTITIONERS in the field is making it very challenging for mainstream schools to serve these learners with diverse learning needs in a regular ed. classroom.

Need for the Course

With the above scenario in mind Aatman Academy for Research and Training has launched the

Train and empower yourself to become an INCLUSIVE EDUCATION PRACTITIONER.

Mode of Learning

Online (weekly Synchronous sessions for 25 Saturdays and 3 Sundays)

Scope of the Course

Completion of the course will enable individuals:

To become Inclusive Education Practitioners.

To appreciate the difference between one-on-one learning and inclusive learning

To render Resource room support for mainstream schools who offer inclusive set-ups.

To help with small group instructions using novel techniques and strategies for specific subject areas.

To extend guidance and basic support to parents who need to be shown the direction.

To work as Learning Support Facilitator for individual students in mainstream schools.

To lend support for inclusive education through online learning

The unique features and advantages of doing this course at Aatman

The CHILD course is the brainchild of professionals with years of practice in the field of special and inclusive education.

It is based on the core belief that every regular ed. teacher can develop the sensitivity and skills to support learners with diversities and challenges.

In-service professionals have limited time to invest in self-development courses due to their hectic school schedules. This course focuses on ONLY the most relevant aspects; attitudes, skills, and knowledge that can help teachers start the process of Inclusive Education and helping learners with diverse needs.

The key approach of this course centres on the fundamentals of andragogy. It is experiential, hands-on, skill based and highly focused on participants’ existent needs - person centered learning.

It is a high intensity course but does not require a time commitment more than 3 hours per week.

There is a rich pool of experience, material, and expertise at Aatman Academy that can be tapped into.

The learning processes at Aatman are research driven and in tandem with the latest best practices across the globe in the field of Education.

Aatman Academy for Research and Training (AART) has officially partnered with the Government of Maharashtra on project "Ekadhyam"- to train over 450 teachers to improve the inclusive education practices adopted in schools. This project has impacted more than 5 lakh government school teachers across the state of Maharashtra.


Eligibility or Target Participants

Graduation in any stream

Admissions will be subject to the expression of the participants commitment to INCLUSIVE EDUCATION , which will be gauged through a written opinionnaire followed by an interview.

The participants’ statement of interest about the course in order to gauge their objective of enrolling for the same.

A personal interview.

(The decision of the admissions’ committee will be final.)

Preference will be given to

Teachers who are currently working in mainstream schools or pre-schools

College lecturers and professors

Parents of children with learning challenges

Home tutors

Psychologists, counselors and special educators

Individuals showing a passion for inclusive education


The time commitment for the course is as follows:

Introductory session of 1 hour

25 Saturday sessions of 3 hours each

3 Sunday sessions of 6 hours each

The practical work is to be done by the participants at their own pace within the timelines of the course.
Attendance for theory and practical work is mandatory.

Course objective

The objectives of the CHILD course are as follows:

To improve the quality of support rendered in mainstream schools to diverse learners.

To create an awareness about various disabilities in the community.

To increase the sensitivity towards learners with various diversities and disabilities among mainstream schools.

To create a larger pool of professionals who can support the learning needs of children with special needs or disabilities either within the school portals or outside the same.

To train self-driven individuals with hands-on techniques to work with students with challenges.

To equip the professionals enrolled in the course with basic counselling skills and remediation skills.

To train in-service teachers in the application of the Universal Design for Learning as a ‘best practice’ for Inclusive Education.